What do you say when you get through to an employer, but are given the "Sorry, no openings" line? Fumble through a timid request for "Who else do you know who might be hiring?" or some other question of the conquered? Most don't even use that line—they just give the standard "Thanks for your time" and "Bye."
One way to combat this contact killer line is to ask the manager the following series of questions.
"Since you're now fully staffed in your department, may I ask you a question? Do you feel that enough of your time is spent on the high-level duties that your job requires? Or do you find yourself having to continually tend to lower-level duties in order to get the rest of your work done?"
"Please think about that because what I would like to offer to you, now that you are fully staffed, is the opportunity to pass on some of those lower-level duties to someone else so that your time is freed up for the higher-level tasks. After all, isn't it the higher-level work that you're being paid for?"
"Please seriously consider this offer. Think about what it would be like if someone such as myself were able to give you an extra ten, fifteen, twenty hours or more per week for your higher-level duties. And also think about all those projects that you've put on the back burner because you don't have enough staff to handle the tasks. I could do that—and more—for you and your department."
"Think about it. If you have an interest, give me a call. Do you have a pen? Again, my name is _____ and my phone number is _____. And if I haven't heard from you, I'll call back in a couple of weeks to touch base. Thanks for your time."
Does it always work? Nope. But it works a lot better than the "Thanks for your time" and "Bye" that the other 99 percent replied. You are planting a seed. It may not sprout instantly, yet don't be surprised if the next time you call back, your proposal starts sounding very attractive to the manager. Your job would be to free them up for higher-level responsibilities. And your job would be one of the very best in the world because you would be directly in the middle of the departmental action from day one.
Try it!
Another reply to the "We don't have any openings right now" response is the Upgrade Your Staff Technique. While most managers scramble to find a new person when they lose a valuable staff member, very few think about upgrading their staff when they are at full employment. Here is how it works:
"Since you are fully staffed, now might be a good time to consider upgrading your staff. When the economy is growing, it will likely become harder and harder to find competent people to add to your staff. This may be an excellent time to make plans to upgrade your staff. Would it be correct to say that the most valuable member of your staff isn't necessarily the most skilled, but the one with the greatest passion for their work?"
(Wait for "Yes" or "Probably")
"Well, Mr./Ms. Manager, it's that same passion for excellence, that same attitude of giving my all that I would bring to you and your department. I'd like the chance to meet with you and prove that I have what it takes to become a key member of your department. I am available the week of March 16th, with Tuesday and Wednesday wide open. Which day would work better for you?"
Again, it doesn't always work. But it sure gets them thinking beyond the "no openings" objection. And don't be surprised if they think about it and give you a shot. This technique plays on the vanity of the manager and their desire to be out in front of the game. Who could blame them for planning in advance? Certainly not you nor I.